
Blockchain and Its Future Possibilities in Healthcare System

    • sanjay 기자
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    • 입력 2019-02-11 18:13
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    • 수정 2019-02-12 18:14

Blockchain has come up with a range of solutions and healthcare system is not an exception. Using the blockchain , issues of consent management, micropayments and maintenance of records can be proved convenient. According to the blog contents of IBM, Blockchain can provide proof-of-existence for any document and allow anyone to verify the authenticity of said document. It is obvious that during the generation and approval of any medical record, it takes time and there is possibility of changes to be made.

At this stage if blockchain is used, it can provide absolute proof as medical which will safe. Due to the coherent existence of data through nodes in blockchain, history of transactions are formulated and shared to other networks and this makes blockchain technology more invulnerable.

Data sharing in blockchain acts a security and healthcare system providers are facing difficulties in countries with huge population like India. If blockchain is used, the fundamental data such as "Date of Birth , prescription, disease history and the histoty of pathological tests can be easily and commonly recorded.

sanjay 기자 | [email protected]

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